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Greencastle Borough News
Volunteers Needed - Application for Public Participation
The Borough of Greencastle is proud to offer many opportunities for residents to participate in their local government by serving on Boards, Committees, and Commissions. Each year residents dedicate their time, energy, knowledge, and talent to our municipality through volunteerism. If you have expertise in a particular area, free time, and a desire to be involved in your community, the …
GAFCWA Lead & Copper Regulations
To comply with the Environmental Protection Agency's Lead and Copper Rule Revisions, the Greencastle Area, Franklin County Water Authority was required to inventory all water service lines, including identifying those made from lead or galvanized material requiring replacement. This information has been submitted to DEP and is linked below.
As a secondary requirement of the Lead & Copper Rule, the …
After Hours Emergency Procedure
If you are experiencing an emergency while the Borough office is closed, please follow the below after hours emergency procedure.