Borough Council representatives pictured from left to right:

Back Row - Joel Amsley, Albert Miller, Vice President Scott Reagan, President Larry Faight, Mayor Ben Thomas, Michael Stenger, Wade Burkholder, Steve Miller

Front Row - Manager Emilee Little and Chief of Police Keith Russell

Constituents may click on the links provided below to email questions or concerns to individual Council members or the Mayor. You may also contact the Borough directly at 717-597-7143 or at

Borough Council

Council President Larry Faight

Council Vice President Scott Reagan

Councilman Joel Amsley

Councilman Wade Burkholder

Councilman Albert W. Miller

Councilman Steven Miller

Councilman Michael Stenger


Mayor Ben Thomas, Jr.

2025 Committee Structure

Administration & Finance

Chair - Wade Burkholder

Joel Amsley

Larry Faight

Community & Economic Development

Chair - Albert Miller

Scott Reagan

Mike Stenger


Chair - Joel Amsley

Mike Stenger

Wade Burkholder

Public Facilities

Chair - Steve Miller

Albert Miller

Larry Faight

Public Safety

Chair - Scott Reagan

Steve Miller

Mike Stenger