Pennsylvania's new Right-To-Know law, enacted January 1, 2009, established an Office of Open Records at the state level, required each government agency to appoint an Open Records Officer, and required the adoption of an Open Records Policy.
The Borough of Greencastle adopted an Open Records Policy which sets forth the Borough’s responsibilities for administering the Open Records Law and establishes the procedure for handling requests for access to municipal records. The Borough's Open Records & Right to Know Officer is Emilee Little.
All requests for public records must be submitted in writing using the Right-to-Know Request Form or on a form provided by the State Office of Open Records. The Borough's Open Records Officer must respond to the requester within five (5) business days from the date of receipt of the written request. If the request is being reviewed, the Borough must notify the requester in writing and include the reason for the review and the expected response date, which must be within thirty (30) days of the notice of review.
The Borough is committed to providing open records to its citizens, the general public, and the media to ensure the unfettered exchange of information, foster accountability, prevent abuses of power, and promote trust in government leadership.
Requests for information concerning the Borough of Greencastle Open Records Policy should be made to:
60 N. Washington Street
Greencastle, PA 17225