Ordinance 2025-01 Regulations

In response to concerns raised by residents, patrons, and business owners, the Borough Council of the Borough of Greencastle has approved Ordinance 2025-01 which addresses several traffic related safety concerns as outlined below:
- The 25 mph speed limit zone on E. Baltimore Street has been extended from S. Jefferson
Street to 150 feet east of Spring Grove Avenue.
- At the Washington Street & Baltimore Street intersection, the current “No Left Turn 7am
to 7pm” signage and regulation has now been ordained.
- No parking has been established on both sides on W. Madison Street from Route 11 to
Findlay Avenue.
- The parking of food trucks on any Borough roadway has been limited to a thirty-minute
- Some parking spaces in Center Square are now restricted as “no trucks, vans, or SUVs” as outlined in red on the following map.

The intent of the regulations established in Ordinance 2025-01 is to improve pedestrian visibility and motorist safety within the Borough. Anyone with questions concerning these regulations, please call the Borough office at 717-597-7143.

Center Square Parking Regulations

Ord. 2025-01 - Chapter 190 Modifications